Sunday Mar 09

Massively Kewl Knock Knock Jokes!!!

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Yo Mama Jokes

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Knock, knock
Who�s there?
Sorry, wrong door.

Knock, knock
Who�s there?
Federal Express
Federal Express who?
I don�t know. I just deliver packages.

Knock, knock
Who�s there?
Tom who?
Tom Buchanan.
Hi Tom.

Knock knock
Who�s there?
Pizza delivery guy.
Pizza delivery guy who?
You ordered a pizza?
I�m the guy delivering it.

Knock knock
Who�s there?
Susan who?
Susan Caldwell.
I�ll be right out, Susan.

Knock, knock
Who�s there.
You might be a redneck if� you think tobacco is a vegetable.
You might be a redneck if� you think tobacco is a vegetable who?
I thought this was a redneck joke.
Nope. It�s a knock, knock joke.

Knock, knock
Who�s there?
Boo who
Don�t get so upset, crybaby!
Ha! Ha! I made you say �boo-hoo�
You�re a real idiot.
That wasn�t necessary.

Knock knock
Who�s there?
Creeping penis.
Creeping penis who?
I�m not crazy, I just need to get off this island. The doctors don�t believe I invented the chocolate �clair. But I did. I�m going to burn them all and drink soup from their skulls! Happy soup! Untie me and I�ll kill you last!

Knock, knock
Yo mama
Yo mama who?
Yo mama so fat, she caught a flesh-eating virus and that was three years ago.
I bet you�re fat, huh?
You are, aren�t you? Fat!
I�m plumpish.

Knock, knock
Who�s there?

Hello? FBI! Let us in!

�nobody here�
Oh. Let�s go boys!

Knock, knock
Who�s there?
There�s a dead old woman in your driveway.
There�s a dead old woman in your driveway who?
No. Seriously. There�s a dead old woman in your driveway.
Actually, that�s just my piss-drunk bar slut of a grandmother. She sells toothless mouth love for �mind eraser� shooters at the Tyson�s Mall TGIFriday�s. Let the whore sleep it off.

Knock, knock
Who�s there?
Henry who?
Henry Kissinger. Did you know that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac?
I�m not opening the door Henry.

Knock, knock
Tremble mortal and despair � it is I, THE ANGEL OF DEATH!
Tremble mortal and despair � it is I, THE ANGEL OF DEATH who?
Actually, I�m here for Jones in #D1 but I need to take a monster crap and I hate to kill and THEN use the bathroom, you know? Its rude and the other way around, well it ruins my dramatic entrance. So�
You want to use my toilet?
Go right ahead.
Got anything to read?
Just the crossword.
You finished it.
Hold my scythe.
Hey! Don�t forget to light a match.



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