Sunday Dec 22

Political Jokes

Filter Display #
901 HMO Executive 1427
902 Top 10 Things You Don't Want Dubya to Say 1427
903 Bush and Bill 1426
904 Whats the difference between Saddam's palaces ... 1426
905 Top Ten Perks Of Being Saddam Hussein's Stepson 1426
906 Coming to America 1425
907 Hans Across Iraq 1425
908 Country Politics 1425
909 "The O.J. Murder Trial" by Dr.Seuss 1425
910 People Who Should've Won This Years Nobel Prize 1425
911 The True Story 1425
912 Clinton on Halloween 1425
913 Running for Office 1424
914 Osama the Chicken 1424
915 Bush's Tragedy 1424
916 Osama in the Holy Land 1424
917 Dick Cheney and the Bushes 1424
918 Sexual Congress 1424
919 Gary Condit's Conductivity 1424
920 A setback in Iraqi-American relations 1423
921 Questions Not To Ask In Foreign Lands 1423
922 Pro Congress? 1423
923 Bush Gets Testy 1423
924 Mad Cow 1423
925 Baby Gates and Microsoft 1422
926 Clinton the Computer Entrepreneur 1422
927 The 11th Commandment 1422
928 Dubya Quotes 1422
929 Q. Whats the difference between George W. ... 1422
930 Jeffrey Dahmer and Lorena Bobbit 1422
931 Bush and Son 1421
932 Times When the F-word Was Appropriate 1421
933 Bush and Polly 1421
934 Monica's Deposition 1421
935 CNN Late Breaking News! It has been ... 1421
936 Osama's Valentine 1421
937 CNN Late Breaking News! It has been ... 1421
938 National Bird 1421
939 We take you now to the Oval Office 1420
940 Clinton Monument 1420
941 Dude, I Rolled This Joint Venture 1420
942 Clinton's Final Four Picks 1420
943 Bush & the Blackboard 1420
944 The FBI, CIA, LAPD, and some Rabbits 1420
945 George Bush is So Stupid... 1420
946 Clinton and a lightbulb 1420
947 A bunch of Saddam Hussein's body doubles ... 1420
948 David Beckham Redux 1419
949 Hot Enough For You? 1419
950 Penguin & JFK, Jr. 1419

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