Sunday Dec 22

Political Jokes

Filter Display #
751 Eternal Judgment 1466
752 The FBI, CIA, LAPD, and some Rabbits 1465
753 Houston Schoolin' 1465
754 Rush Limbaughs Chauffeur 1465
755 In All the Land 1465
756 Gary Condit's M.O. 1464
757 World War III 1464
758 Moon Talking 1464
759 Saddam Hussein in a Foxhole 1463
760 PC Three Little Pigs 1463
761 Perspective Lawyers 1463
762 Bumper Crop O' Bumper Stickers 1463
763 Clinton Broke the 11th Commandment 1463
764 Make-a-Wish Foundation 1463
765 Gary Condit's Fowl Behavior 1463
766 A Setback 1463
767 Country Politics 1462
768 K-Marts in Afghanistan 1462
769 Gary Condit's Fowl Behavior 1462
770 Iraqi Funerals 1461
771 George W. Bush was caught breaking 1461
772 Political Jokes 1461
773 Clinton & A New Gallup Poll 1460
774 Taliban Snippet 1460
775 Bush, Einstein and Picasso 1459
776 White, Slimy, & Horny 1459
777 Lawyer Means... 1459
778 The President''s Puzzle 1459
779 Intelligent Quotes 1459
780 Dubya Quotes 1458
781 One hungry Bush... 1458
782 The Birds, The Bees, The Bushettes 1457
783 Gary Condit's Pants 1457
784 Para-shoot 1457
785 Celebrity Sandwiches 1457
786 Clocks 1457
787 America has finally captured Saddam ... 1457
788 Bush and Bill 1457
789 Tickle Me Dirty Politics 1456
790 Florida Orange Growers 1456
791 Osama is Celebate 1456
792 Bob Dole's Band 1456
793 Clinton Poll 1456
794 Adam and Eve 1456
795 Bush and Bill 1455
796 Capitalism for Dummies 1455
797 Congressman's Money 1455
798 Whats the difference between Saddam's palaces ... 1454
799 Dear God 1454
800 Enron Transcripts 1453

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