Sunday Mar 09

The President speeks

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Political Jokes

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So George is doing yet another photo op at an elementary school, and this one�s been going pretty well, so he offers to take questions. A little boy raises his hand.

�Okay, you,� says George, smiling. �What�s your name?�


�Billy. And what�s your question?�

�I have three questions,� Billy says. �First, why did you go to war without UN approval? Second, why are you president when Gore got more votes? Third, where�s Osama bin Laden?�

George is taken aback. �Uh, those are really hard questions,� he says.

Just then the bell rings. �Whoops, time for recess!� George says. �Guess I�ll have to answer your questions when recess is over.�

After recess, when the kids have settled back down again, George says �Okay, who�s got a question?�

A little kid raises his hand, and George calls on him.

�What�s your name?� George asks.


�Okay, Steve. What�s your question?�

�I have five questions,� Steve says. �First, why did you go to war without UN approval? Second, why are you president when Gore got more votes? Third, where�s Osama bin Laden? Fourth, why did the bell for recess ring twenty minutes early? And fifth, what happened to Billy?�



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