Saturday Dec 21

Office Jokes

Filter Display #
351 I Can Tell This Job Sucks Already 2129
352 Understanding Marketing 2129
353 It Ain't Surgery 2129
354 I Can Tell This Job Sucks Already 2128
355 Blonde Looking for a Job 2128
356 Wanted: Dead Or Alive 2128
357 Signs Your Co-Worker Is a Hacker 2127
358 How To Sell Lawnmowers 2127
359 Mountain Bike 2127
360 A blonde comes home and finds her mom dead ... 2126
361 Attention Shoppers! 2126
362 Yo mama is so dumb... 2125
363 10 responses to telemarketers 2125
364 Penis Requests a Raise 2124
365 Laxative Cough Therapy 2124
366 How to Annoy Your Co-Workers 2124
367 You know you're in trouble when... 2124
368 Resume Mistakes- Reasons for leaving 2124
369 Miseducation of Man and Woman 2122
370 Dirty Tricks 2121
371 Not So Saved by the Bell 2121
372 The Three Horses of the Apocalypse 2121
373 The Three Horses of the Apocalypse 2121
374 Understanding Marketing 2121
375 Instant-Win Airbags! 2120
376 Bill Gates Buys Some Lovin' 2120
377 Toothbrush Salesman 2120
378 The Retirement Party 2120
379 A blonde comes home and finds her mom dead ... 2120
380 Get caught sleeping at work? 2120
381 Helisoft 2119
382 Oreo Psycho-Personality Test 2119
383 A manager walks into his office... 2119
384 The New Guy 2119
385 Why I Am So Tired 2118
386 You Work for the Government When: 2118
387 Toothbrush Salesman 2118
388 Disarming the Guard 2118
389 Attention Shoppers! 2118
390 How To Sell Lawnmowers 2118
391 IBM and Lightbulbs 2118
392 Dictaphone 2117
393 How to Annoy Your Co-Workers 2117
394 Blonde Looking for a Job 2116
395 Blonde Loses Sweet Job 2116
396 Miseducation of Man and Woman 2116
397 If Microsoft Was Looking for Drivers 2116
398 Human Resource Lingo 2116
399 Questions Not To Ask In Foreign Lands 2116
400 After Great Britain's Beer Festival... 2116

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