Wednesday Apr 24

Sexual Jokes

Filter Display #
6501 Zip It. Zip It Good. 864
6502 Male Translations 864
6503 A Few Good Lawyers 864
6504 On a Deserted Island 864
6505 Bob Dole 864
6506 Roy the Rooster 864
6507 Deflation 864
6508 Latex Gloves 864
6509 Lesbian Eskimo 864
6510 Sex vs. Computers 864
6511 Door Hinge 864
6512 Tasty, tasty fat! 864
6513 San Fran Blondes 864
6514 Orgasm-isms 864
6515 The Horny Guy and the Whorehouse 864
6516 Bedside Confession 864
6517 Stuck in the middle 864
6518 Sex Relatively Speaking 864
6519 Pre-Paid Plan 864
6520 Grandma Likes it H-A-R-D 864
6521 Britney ain't no Barbie Doll 864
6522 Clinton's DNA 864
6523 A Crappy Date (A True Story) 864
6524 Blonde's Coffin 864
6525 Ex-girlfriend 864
6526 Blonde in the Morning 864
6527 Elevator Scene 864
6528 Fifty-Dollar Bet 864
6529 Hobo vs. Homo 864
6530 The 11th Commandment 864
6531 Dutch Virgin 864
6532 Two Old Ladies 864
6533 The Nuns and The Blind Man 864
6534 Presidential surprise 864
6535 Rogaine and Viagra 864
6536 Seeking the Sightless 864
6537 Pregnant Tree 864
6538 Pinocchio and Splinters 864
6539 Gorilla Control 864
6540 Raggedy Ann and Pinnochio 864
6541 Mommy Almost Died 864
6542 California Gay Whale 864
6543 Scags Who Blew Bill 864
6544 Men With Hair in Their Teeth 864
6545 Poor Old Man 864
6546 Clinton's Favorite Card Game 864
6547 Who am I disturbing? 864
6548 Massively Kewl Knock Knock Jokes!!! 863
6549 Confucious...Baseball 863
6550 Lawyers in Lust 863

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