Monday Dec 23

Sexual Jokes

Filter Display #
2951 Barbie's Christmas Beau 1032
2952 Clinton & A Screwdriver 1032
2953 Greek Navy 1032
2954 The Wonder Bra 1032
2955 Clinton/Elian Gonzales 1032
2956 Two Old Ladies Burning Rubber 1032
2957 Laffin' Smurfs 1032
2958 P. Diddy on a Diet 1032
2959 Perfect Fit 1032
2960 Speaking Women-ese 1032
2961 Dog Talk 1032
2962 Your Place or His 1032
2963 Two Men and A Refrigerator 1032
2964 Fishing for a Week 1032
2965 Sex and class 1032
2966 Yard Work Sign Language 1032
2967 Get On The Bus 1032
2968 P. Diddy on a Diet 1032
2969 Hot Doggin' 1032
2970 Swicth Hands 1032
2971 Potatoes Hotatoes 1032
2972 Moon Talking 1032
2973 Questions Not To Ask In Foreign Lands 1032
2974 Old Lady Shakes 1032
2975 Stumped Doc 1032
2976 Green and Jumpy 1032
2977 Shoplifting 1032
2978 Massively Kewl Knock Knock Jokes!!! 1032
2979 Alabama Farmer 1032
2980 Special Remedy 1032
2981 Heaven and Hell 1032
2982 Highbrow Genital Jokes 1032
2983 Male Translations 1032
2984 Little People have little... 1032
2985 Movie Magic 1032
2986 Dogs Take Their Licks 1032
2987 Doctor's Orders 1032
2988 Grandma & Grandpa 1032
2989 Daddy, What Is Sex? 1032
2990 Dr. Dre's Prognosis 1032
2991 I've Found Religion! It's In My Plate. 1032
2992 Widows98 1032
2993 Joining the Colony 1032
2994 The Dirty Wife 1032
2995 While the cat's away 1032
2996 Questions Not To Ask In Foreign Lands 1032
2997 Viva Las Vegas 1032
2998 Eternal Judgment 1032
2999 Two Sperm 1032
3000 What's green and smells like ... 1032

Page 60 of 134


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