Saturday Dec 21

Sexual Jokes

Filter Display #
151 What A Woman/Man Really Means 2255
152 New Priest In Town 2254
153 Adult Swim 2251
154 Sex Over-Easy 2249
155 Old, New 2249
156 Safe 2248
157 Flies in a Lightbulb 2247
158 Clinton/Elian Gonzales 2246
159 It's Not Genetics 2245
160 Some Things You Just CAN'T 2244
161 None For You 2244
162 Six Hours to Live 2244
163 Counting Condoms 2243
164 Women's Bits 2243
165 High Stakes 2243
166 Elephant Physiology 2242
167 Osama and Saddam are walking through a ... 2241
168 Abstinence 2241
169 The Origin of Little Debbie 2241
170 Condom Size Tester 2241
171 Farmer and the Cow 2240
172 Monkey 2240
173 Last Request 2238
174 Nursing Home 2237
175 A man's logic 2236
176 Paying the Price of Marriage 2236
177 Fire Truck 2236
178 LSD Cocktail 2236
179 The Eternal Optimist 2235
180 Murder Mystery Porn 2235
181 Bunny Love 2235
182 Rooster 2235
183 Peckers 2234
184 An airline's passenger cabin was being ... 2234
185 Ways to Let Someone Know Their Fly is Open 2233
186 Night Of The Living Dead 2232
187 Feelin' Blue 2232
188 Coma 2232
189 Clinton & A Screwdriver 2231
190 Perfect Penis 2230
191 Let's Play War 2230
192 Dumb and Dumber 2229
193 Smartass Record Shop 2227
194 Abstinence 2225
195 Bzzzz 2225
196 Yo Mama is So Stupid 2224
197 The Skeleton 2224
198 Topless Fat Woman 2221
199 The Answer 2221
200 Female Sex Change 2221

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