Sunday Dec 22

Political Jokes

Filter Display #
2201 A Lawyer and A Politician 1361
2202 Democrat's Concession 1361
2203 Famous George W. Quotes 1361
2204 The FBI, CIA, LAPD, and some Rabbits 1361
2205 Clinton's Lingerie 1361
2206 President Clinton & the Pope 1361
2207 FedEx UPS Merger 1361
2208 Clinton's Safe Sex 1361
2209 Bush's Advisors 1361
2210 How to Mess With the IRS 1361
2211 Dude, I Rolled This Joint Venture 1361
2212 George Dubya on a Sinking Ship 1361
2213 A Lawyer and A Politician 1361
2214 Monday Night Osama 1361
2215 Y2K Nostalgia 1361
2216 Bush Fans 1361
2217 Government Cows 1361
2218 Current Administration 1360
2219 Monica & The Rest Of Us 1360
2220 George Bush is So Stupid... 1360
2221 HMO Executive 1360
2222 Condit Arrest 1360
2223 Afghani Fowl 1360
2224 Republican Lightbulb Replacement Policy 1360
2225 Danger in D.C. 1360
2226 Congressman's Money 1360
2227 New Canadian Flag 1360
2228 Osama = Crabs? 1360
2229 Bush Has Feelings Too 1360
2230 Arkansas Fried Chicken 1360
2231 Clocks 1360
2232 Pink, Grey, & Stuck 1360
2233 Tickle Me Dirty Politics 1360
2234 Heaven's Shining Waters 1360
2235 How Many Interns? 1360
2236 Genie and the Taliban 1360
2237 Dear Abby: My husband is a liar and a cheat 1360
2238 Osama's Spawn 1360
2239 PC Pot 1360
2240 Post Turtle President 1360
2241 Things Found Only in America 1360
2242 Bush is a Puppet? 1360
2243 Monica's New Boyfriend 1360
2244 The Worst Hostage Drama In The World 1360
2245 Osama's Favorite Movie 1360
2246 Clinton & A Screwdriver 1360
2247 Bush's Morning Run 1360
2248 Bush, Cheney, and the Buck 1360
2249 10 million Afghans 1360
2250 Cab Jokes 1360

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