Sunday Jun 02

Political Jokes

Filter Display #
1051 Clinton's Interns 1269
1052 Bush Does a Favor 1269
1053 Top Ten Perks Of Being Saddam Hussein's Stepson 1269
1054 Potential & Reality 1269
1055 Taliban Bingo 1269
1056 Mad Cow 1269
1057 The Redneck-Unabomber Connection 1268
1058 Dubya 'Do. 1268
1059 Political Jokes 1268
1060 Clinton Monument 1268
1061 Q. Whats the difference between George W. ... 1268
1062 Stand-up Gandhi 1268
1063 ESL 'N' Enron 1268
1064 Lawyer Means... 1268
1065 Bush and Polly 1268
1066 Clinton the Computer Entrepreneur 1267
1067 Politically Speaking 1267
1068 The Redneck-Unabomber Connection 1267
1069 Random Acts of Stupidity Roundup 1267
1070 The First Lady's patriotic duties 1267
1071 Person 1: Did you know Saddam has a bounty? 1267
1072 K-Marts in Afghanistan 1267
1073 Lawyer Means... 1267
1074 Clinton -vs- Titanic 1267
1075 The Monkey Goes Where the Wind Blows ... 1267
1076 Democrat's Concession 1267
1077 President Clinton & the Pope 1267
1078 Clinton and the Pope 1267
1079 Gary Condit's Clock 1267
1080 Jeffrey Dahmer and Lorena Bobbit 1267
1081 Bush and Polly 1267
1082 Osama's Ride 1267
1083 Lightbulb... Arkansas 1267
1084 Bush on Unemployment Aid 1267
1085 Full Speed Ahead 1267
1086 George Bush is So Stupid... 1267
1087 Make-a-Wish Foundation 1267
1088 "The O.J. Murder Trial" by Dr.Seuss 1267
1089 Nowhere to Hide 1267
1090 Moon Talking 1267
1091 State Slogans 1267
1092 Top 10 Things You Don't Want Dubya to Say 1267
1093 Clinton's First 1267
1094 Monica's Deposition 1267
1095 Touchy Feely Cracky 1267
1096 Clinton & KFC 1267
1097 Important Question 1267
1098 Bush country? 1267
1099 Clinton's Music 1267
1100 What really happened 1267

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