Saturday Apr 27

Political Jokes

Filter Display #
2501 Clinton & A Screwdriver 1212
2502 Aliens Attack 1212
2503 Political Spelling Contest 1212
2504 I Had a Dream 1212
2505 Osama and Bush Have a Dog Fight 1212
2506 Congressman's Money 1212
2507 Presidential surprise 1212
2508 Monica & The Rest Of Us 1212
2509 Running for Office 1212
2510 Al Gore's Piercing 1212
2511 Arkansas Fried Chicken 1212
2512 The Worst Hostage Drama In The World 1212
2513 Rebuilding New York & Afghanistan 1212
2514 Clinton & A Screwdriver 1212
2515 Catching Osama 1212
2516 Bush, Cheney, and the Buck 1212
2517 Saddam's Bumperstickers 1211
2518 Some Topical Bobbitt Humor 1211
2519 Hans Across Iraq 1211
2520 Bush's Tragedy 1211
2521 Intelligent Quotes 1211
2522 Burying Osama 1211
2523 Reasons for Being French 1211
2524 Cows In Government 1211
2525 Y2K Nostalgia 1211
2526 Bill Of No Rights 1211
2527 Sleeping Beauty, Hercules and Don Juan 1211
2528 Osama's Spawn 1211
2529 Texas Talkin' 1211
2530 Taliban Snippet 1211
2531 Lincoln, JFK, & Crazy Coinkydinks 1211
2532 Taliban Bingo 1211
2533 KFC: Our Daily Chicken 1211
2534 Kofi Annans New Years UN Resolutions 1211
2535 Clinton Hijinx 1211
2536 Martin Scorscese is interviewing three ... 1211
2537 Democrat's Concession 1211
2538 Random Acts of Stupidity Roundup 1211
2539 Good Fan 1211
2540 Osama and Fred 1211
2541 Into the Dust Bin Laden of History 1210
2542 The Three Horses of the Apocalypse 1210
2543 Trade Talks 1210
2544 Whose Son is He? 1210
2545 Afghani TV Guide 1210
2546 Osama Bin Lighted 1210
2547 We take you now to the Oval Office 1210
2548 Heaven's Shining Waters 1210
2549 Kofi Annans New Years UN Resolutions 1210
2550 Einsteinium 1210

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