Sunday Dec 22

Other Jokes

Filter Display #
51 Twelve Inch Pianist 2710
52 Potential & Reality 2680
53 Mother of Six 2652
54 Bush Fan 2536
55 GM 2528
56 Nature 2523
57 True Fan 2523
58 Gay Midget 2522
59 Two pretzels walk into a bar and one is ... 2516
60 Voices 2513
61 Popular Mule 2507
62 Spitfire 2505
63 Corvette 2504
64 Perambulating Candadians 2502
65 Rectum 2498
66 Doe a Deer 2496
67 Mariah Carey dumb quote 2496
68 Patient 2496
69 Aliens Attack 2495
70 Redneck Bar BellIf you have to use ... 2495
71 Drunk Musicians 2494
72 The Engineer and the Frog 2493
73 Welcome, but... 2492
74 Hang Man 2490
75 Pencil 2490
76 Penguins Go to the Zoo 2489
77 2 Canadian Guys 2488
78 Martooni 2486
79 How did you die? 2486
80 Fishing Line 2486
81 Classic Riddle 2486
82 Duck and Condom 2483
83 Biting 2481
84 One hungry Bush... 2477
85 Be strong Honey 2477
86 Bad Computer 2476
87 The Rescue 2475
88 Arkansas: It's A Wild Place 2475
89 Pretzels 2475
90 How he knows 2475
91 Pa Won't Like It 2474
92 Seasick 2474
93 Monks Made a Mistake 2472
94 Mighty Mouse 2472
95 Turned Wagon 2472
96 Yo Mama's... Ugly 2471
97 Toe Curl 2471
98 Windy Day 2470
99 Spell Check 2468
100 Smokey and Children 2467

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