Saturday Apr 20

Other Jokes

Filter Display #
1301 Education in Arkansas 1389
1302 Helen Keller's favorite color 1389
1303 Poisonous Mushrooms 1389
1304 Irish Wake 1389
1305 Women's Arms 1389
1306 Not Going To Try This Again 1388
1307 The Farmer's Daughters 1388
1308 Tough Love 1388
1309 Adam Talks All About Eve 1388
1310 10 ways to creep out your roommate 1388
1311 Britney Spears, Computer 1388
1312 Question...Sex Change 1387
1313 Elvis vs. Jesus 1387
1314 Actual Instruction Labels... 1387
1315 Post Turtle President 1387
1316 Halloween Candy 1387
1317 Caddy Responses 1387
1318 Things to Say to Annoy Cops 1387
1319 Bottom 50 Celebrity Sandwiches 1386
1320 No Legs 1386
1321 Truckdriver and Time 1385
1322 Vow of Silence 1384
1323 Stumpy Legged Pink Dog 1383
1324 Dr. Doctor 1383
1325 One of Those! 1382
1326 Italian Boy 1381

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