Sunday Dec 22

Other Jokes

Filter Display #
851 Lawyers' Lucky Break 1584
852 Poor Boy's Christmas 1584
853 I Think Santa Claus Is A Woman... 1584
854 Golf Love Poem 1584
855 Redneck Honeymoon 1584
856 Prime Minister Material 1584
857 Nothing to Worry about 1584
858 Flattened Cat 1584
859 Lab Monkeys 1584
860 Gay Midget 1584
861 Easy For You 1584
862 Taking me with you? 1584
863 Parrot 1584
864 The Living Statues 1583
865 Foreign Policy 1583
866 Yankees -vs- Red Sox 1583
867 Totally Bats 1583
868 Yankees and the Lightbulb 1583
869 Football Fan To The Rescue 1583
870 You're So Ugly... Mistletoe 1583
871 The Joy of Christmas Cards 1583
872 God doing better 1583
873 Fat Girl 1583
874 10 Dollars 1583
875 The World Cup Is VERY Important! 1583
876 Who's it? 1583
877 Preparing Chickens 1583
878 Bad Things to Hear on an Airplane 1583
879 Britney Spears 1583
880 Following Directions 1583
881 Two Inches 1583
882 Listen! 1583
883 All-Time Favorite Blonde Hijinx! 1582
884 The Firing Squad 1582
885 Bus Incident 1582
886 Death Row in Women's Prison 1582
887 Senior Golf Logic 1582
888 Flat Chance 1582
889 Three Guys Go to Heaven 1582
890 Michael Jackson's shnoz 1582
891 Signs You Have a Hangover 1582
892 What did the mother turkey 1582
893 Gorilla Language 1582
894 Test Tube Baby 1582
895 I know 1582
896 What degree do you have? 1582
897 Why Santa isn't male 1582
898 Any extra? 1582
899 You ask him 1582
900 What do you have? 1582

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