Sunday Dec 22

Other Jokes

Filter Display #
351 Actual Excuse Notes 2292
352 Adam, Eve, and God Makes Three 2285
353 If You Were my Husband... 2280
354 Blonde Radio 2204
355 Puzzling 2186
356 Fair-Haired Science Fair 2168
357 Men and Laxatives 2152
358 Red Ring 2149
359 Airy Sex 2148
360 Strangers on a Train 2143
361 Blonde Nurse 2141
362 One-Armed Man 2141
363 If You Could! 2140
364 Clinton Monument 2139
365 Danger 2139
366 Microsoft 2139
367 Age-Old Riddle 2138
368 Future 2137
369 Coke Ain't No Joke 2134
370 New Yorker 2129
371 The Simple Joke... 2124
372 0 and 8 2122
373 Ding Dong 2120
374 Screwed, For Sure 2119
375 Blonde Rows of Corn 2119
376 Redneck Anthem 2118
377 The Hamster Show 2116
378 Biker Bar Interview 2116
379 Three Jumps 2116
380 Iowa Grazing 2112
381 Bullwinkle 2111
382 Angelic Love 2110
383 Sharing 2110
384 Life Saver 2110
385 The Bear and the Rabbit 2110
386 Political Pampers 2108
387 Who Let The Blondes Out? 2106
388 The Clever Lawyer 2106
389 Hole in One 2106
390 Female Comebacks 2105
391 Tooth Pulling 2104
392 Bush BM 2103
393 Beer Opening 2103
394 Earth Shaking 2102
395 Yo Mama's So Nasty... Bath 2100
396 In-law vs Outlaw 2098
397 State Trooper 2097
398 Penguin and The Mechanic 2097
399 Rollerblading 2097
400 Hide the Duke 2096

Page 8 of 27


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