Sunday Dec 22

Other Jokes

Filter Display #
1151 Best Friend 1569
1152 Bill Gates dies 1569
1153 Helen Keller's favorite color 1569
1154 Where? 1569
1155 Charm School 1569
1156 Choosing First 1569
1157 Beer 1569
1158 Rubbing Her The Right Way 1568
1159 George W. and Moses 1568
1160 Pad Talking 1568
1161 Who Was That Masked Man? 1568
1162 Give Him What He Wants 1568
1163 You Might Be a Redneck if... 1568
1164 Parachute, Backpack 1568
1165 Shoe Factory 1568
1166 Caddy Responses 1568
1167 Bus Driver 1568
1168 Things to Say to Annoy Cops 1568
1169 Mistaken Identity 1568
1170 Johnny Big Head 1567
1171 Vetoed Valentine Promotions 1567
1172 Chastity Belt for the Crusader's Wife 1567
1173 C.E.O. D.U.M.B 1567
1174 Yo Mama... Christmas Corner 1567
1175 Picture perfect 1567
1176 Fish Smoking 1567
1177 Poor Couple 1567
1178 Your Sign 1567
1179 Saint Patrick's Day Bar Troubleshooting 1566
1180 Law School Graduation Gift 1566
1181 Bribe and Groom 1566
1182 Man and Pharmacist 1566
1183 Irishmen 1566
1184 Santa Not a Women 1566
1185 Real Quotes 1566
1186 Bad Pick Up Lines 1566
1187 Don't Count on it 1566
1188 Sandwich 1565
1189 Valentine Gift Test 1565
1190 Bill Gates and Cars 1565
1191 Hot Shot 1565
1192 GM, Microsoft? 1565
1193 Preparation 1565
1194 Better Luck Next Time 1564
1195 Stoopit Pickup Lines 1564
1196 Al Gore's Piercing 1564
1197 E-mail Error 1564
1198 The Brass Rat 1564
1199 The Ditch 1564
1200 Healthy Eating 1564

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