Sunday Dec 22

Blonde Jokes

Filter Display #
3751 You Silly Blonde. Don't You Get It? 1201
3752 What's blonde, brunette, blonde, brunette... 1201
3753 Pay-Per-Blonde 1201
3754 Fly Away 1201
3755 Blonde Rolls Back The Odometer 1201
3756 Blonde Multiple Orgasms 1201
3757 A Flaky Blonde 1201
3758 Blonde's Appendicitis 1201
3759 Blondevision 1201
3760 Blonde Minivan Tragedy 1201
3761 A plane is on its way to Houston when a ... 1201
3762 Those Intellectually Deficient Blondes 1201
3763 Blondes and Pianos 1201
3764 Blonde Bicycle 1201
3765 The Blonde Flight Attendant 1201
3766 Ice Ice Baby 1201
3767 Adjustable Steering Wheels Are Funny 1201
3768 When IS A Blonde Wearing Underwear? 1201
3769 The Blonde and the Librarian 1201
3770 Blonde's Coffin 1201
3771 The Blonde's Special Order 1201
3772 Perfumed Blonde 1201
3773 Blonde Diet 1201
3774 Blondes and Turtles 1201
3775 A Blonde with Earrings 1201
3776 The 69ers 1201
3777 The Perfect Woman 1201
3778 Blonde - Death in the Family 1201
3779 Artificial Intelligence in a Bottle 1201
3781 What's blonde, brunette, blonde, brunette... 1200
3782 What A Wheat-y Blond Joke 1200
3783 Blonde Multiple Orgasms 1200
3784 Blonde - Death in the Family 1200
3785 I want my MTV 1200
3786 Very Helpful Blonde Inventions 1200
3787 A blonde wearing a headset walks into a salon 1200
3788 They''re Grrrrrreat 1200
3789 Milk: It Doesn't A Blonde Good 1200
3790 One day, a blonde left work early to go home ... 1200
3791 Say What Again? 1200
3792 Those Intellectually Deficient Blondes 1200
3793 Death Row in Women's Prison 1200
3794 Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies 1200
3795 Blonde in the Morning 1200
3796 The Blonde And The E-mail 1200
3797 Revenge of the Blondes 1200
3798 Blonde and the Bottle Cap 1200
3799 Blondes and Basketball 1200
3800 One day a blonde went into a department ... 1200

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