Sunday Dec 22

Blonde Jokes

Filter Display #
2601 Blonde's Favorite Ten Years 1220
2602 Blonde Valedictorian 1220
2603 Blonde at Starbucks 1220
2604 Blonde On Blonde 1220
2605 Blonde in a Library 1220
2606 Blonde Bedtime 1220
2607 Heckle Me Harder 1220
2608 Wavey Blonde 1220
2609 Blonde's Appendicitis 1220
2610 Blonde Confusion 1220
2611 The Blonde and Boyz II Men 1220
2612 Blonde On a Ledge 1220
2613 Blonde with Half a Brain 1220
2614 Blonde's Coffin 1220
2615 Mary Lou has the Last Laugh 1220
2616 Blonde - Drowning 1220
2617 Blonde On Blonde 1220
2618 Two Blondes and a Lake 1220
2619 Blonde...Foreplay 1220
2620 Blonde...Infant Scale 1220
2621 Blonde Painting A Porch 1220
2622 Blonde Data 1220
2623 Blonde Bet 1220
2624 Blonde's Favorite Group 1220
2625 Castaway Gals 1220
2626 Blonde Technology 1220
2627 Stoplight 1220
2628 Blonde Lesbian 1220
2629 Milk: It Doesn't A Blonde Good 1220
2630 Lightning Blonde 1220
2631 Waterlogged Blonde 1220
2632 Blonde Looking for a Job 1220
2633 Blonde in the Mirror 1220
2634 No-So-Dumb Blonde 1220
2635 Blonde in the Third Grade 1220
2636 Waitron Blonde 1220
2637 Is That You Coffin? 1220
2638 Revenge of the Blondes 1220
2639 Keep Home 1220
2640 Talking Blondes 1219
2641 Blonde's Challenge 1219
2642 Le Parfumerie y le Blonde 1219
2643 Blonde in Disguise 1219
2644 Blonde's Twinkle 1219
2645 Little Voice 1219
2646 Dead Blonde in Closet 1219
2647 Elevator Scene 1219
2648 Breast Stroke 1219
2649 Blonde Hits the Ground Last 1219
2650 Perfumed Blonde 1219

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