Sunday Dec 22

Blonde Jokes

Filter Display #
2951 Blonde Bird Watcher 1216
2952 Ash Blonde 1216
2953 Microwave Cookery 1216
2954 Handy Blondy 1216
2955 Say What Again? 1216
2956 Blonde NASA Engineer 1216
2957 Blonde - Drowning 1216
2958 Thank You For Flying With Us 1216
2959 Swim Meet 1216
2960 Another Saturday Night 1216
2961 Gone Camping 1216
2962 A Natural Blind 1216
2963 Blonde Laugh 1216
2964 Don't Step Out of the Car 1216
2965 Blonde's Fav Blonde Joke 1216
2966 Blonde Brains 1216
2967 A Flaky Blonde 1216
2968 Blondes and Cops 1216
2969 Blonde Nurse 1216
2970 Blonde Safe Sex 1216
2971 Blonde with Half a Brain 1216
2972 Two Blonde Jokes and Nubile Cleavage 1216
2973 Artificial Intelligence in a Bottle 1216
2974 Vending Machine and Blonde 1216
2975 Talking Blondes 1216
2976 Mary Lou has the Last Laugh 1216
2977 Bigfoot and Blonde 1216
2978 Testing, Testing 1216
2979 Knock-Knock Blonde 1216
2980 On the Rooftop 1216
2981 Homeward Blonde 1216
2982 Blonde...Bucket 1216
2983 Help Me, I'm On A Date 1216
2984 Blonde's Air Conditioner 1216
2985 Ice Hole 1216
2986 Count Chock Full of Nuts 1216
2987 She's So Blonde 1216
2988 She Is So Blonde... "Soul Train" 1216
2989 Blonde Valedictorian 1216
2990 Not All Blondes Are Dumb 1216
2991 A manager walks into his office... 1216
2992 Three Blondes 1216
2993 The Blondes' Revenge 1216
2994 Another Saturday Night 1216
2995 Blonde vs. Crime Rate 1216
2996 Blondes and Pickles 1216
2997 Tap Dancin' 1216
2998 Blonde - Death in the Family 1216
2999 The Blonde and the Jumper 1216
3000 Blonde House Party 1216

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