Sunday Dec 22

Blonde Jokes

Filter Display #
1401 Blonde and a Pig 1246
1402 Three Girls in the Desert 1246
1403 Return the Dog 1246
1404 Blonde's Favorite Group 1246
1405 Blonde and Pizza 1246
1406 Blondes and Bricks 1246
1407 Alligator Shoes 1246
1408 Blonde Diet 1246
1409 Blonde Crossing 1246
1410 Blonde Technology 1246
1411 Blonde's Thoughts on the YMCA 1246
1412 Blondevision 1246
1413 The Perfect Woman 1246
1414 Blonde vs. Ratings System 1246
1415 Blonde Overdue 1246
1416 Guns don't kill people, Blonds kill people 1246
1417 Blonde's Computer Freeze 1246
1418 Blonde and Lightbulb 1246
1419 A Brunette a red head and a blonde were in ... 1246
1420 Blonde and Clock 1245
1421 Fair-Haired Science Fair 1245
1422 Bad Day Blondie 1245
1423 Pay-Per-Blonde 1245
1424 Blonde on the Computer 1245
1425 Bigfoot and Blonde 1245
1426 C-section and Blonde 1245
1427 Flighty Blonde 1245
1428 The Blond Date 1245
1429 Blonde Lightning Storm 1245
1430 The Blonde ABC's 1245
1431 The Blonde ABC's 1245
1432 A Blonde Goes to the Library? 1245
1433 Paper Street 1245
1434 I Can't Drive 69 1245
1435 I'm Not A Sexually Active Blonde 1245
1436 Blonde Brought Gun to Wedding 1245
1437 Blondes in a Volkswagen 1245
1438 Breast Stroke 1245
1439 TeleBlond 1245
1440 Blonde Secretary's Memo to her Boss 1245
1441 Adventures in Disneyland 1245
1442 Blondes and Waterskiing 1244
1443 Blonde Gets Job 1244
1444 Blonde and a Pig 1244
1445 Topless Sunbather 1244
1446 Blonde's Helicopter Lessons 1244
1447 Blonde and Genie 1244
1448 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun 1244
1449 Cerebral Blonde 1244
1450 Blondes Making Kool-Aid 1244

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