Sunday Dec 22

Blonde Jokes

Filter Display #
901 Pick a Sheep 1447
902 What do you call a blond with half a brain? 1446
903 Homeward Blonde 1445
904 Very Helpful Blonde Inventions 1445
905 A blonde was cooking dinner 1445
906 I don't serve blondes 1445
907 Blondes Screwing 1444
908 Nouveau Riche Blonde 1444
909 Blonde Meets Cheerios 1444
910 Blondes on a Rope 1443
911 Blondes and cow patties 1443
912 Blondes 'n' Birth Control 1443
913 How do you drown a blonde? 1443
914 Brunettes and God 1442
915 Suicide Attempt 1441
916 Blonde and shower caps 1441
917 Poor Blonde 1441
918 Death Row in Women's Prison 1441
919 Blonde and Elephants 1441
920 Two blondes are shopping at the mall... 1440
921 The Blond Date 1440
922 On the Rooftop 1440
923 Who Let The Blondes Out? 1440
924 The Blonde And The E-mail 1439
925 Brunette, Blonde & Railroad Tracks 1439
926 Higher Larnin' 1439
927 Blonde E-Mail 1439
928 What do u do if a blond... 1439
929 Snowblonde 1439
930 Blonde in a Round Room 1438
931 The Wet and the Blonde 1438
932 A Side Order of Blondes 1438
933 Don't Step Out of the Car 1437
934 The Blonde and the Worm 1437
935 Dead Blonde in Closet 1437
936 Comfortable 1437
937 Mail Order Blonde 1436
938 Blonde Trapped on an Isand 1436
939 Blondes and Bricks 1436
940 3 Wishes 1436
941 Blonde Grenadier 1435
942 Blondes Doing the Wave 1435
943 Blonde Painting A Porch 1435
944 What's The Difference, Yo? 1434
945 Blonde's Challenge 1434
946 Replacing Vanna 1433
947 Blonde and Drive-Thru 1432
948 The Blonde & The Coke Machine 1432
949 Blondes in a Convertible 1432
950 Blonde's Relatives 1431

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